About Me


In my experience of growing up in an African household it was normalised not to express my feelings; particularly those deemed ‘negative.’ As a young black woman I have found myself conflicted in the struggle to meet family expectations along with not always feeling as though I belong in the society I have grown up in. So in my journey to become a counsellor I have had to unlearn a lot of what I have always known. I have come to see that I am not alone in this experience and that I can use this learning to help and support others.

I believe we all face internal struggles and conflicts which are not always easy to talk about especially to family and friends but I have found that keeping it buried inside was doing a disservice to myself. Ultimately as humans we all strive to be the best versions of ourselves and the only person who truly knows that is the individual.

Having spent nearly 10 years working as part of a charity offering support to those going through a termination of pregnancy, I realised I wanted to do more; I wanted to reach more people. It made it evident to me that this non-judgemental approach can help people in any situation. This fuelled my interest in helping and supporting people in difficult situations and at a time when they believe they have no one else. It has shown me how important a listening ear can be.

My role allowed me to work with people from a range of cultures, social circumstances and situations; each having a different story to tell. This has enhanced my understanding not only of how we, as humans deal with loss but also how our culture and upbringing can impact on any issue we face.

After spending 4 years studying and completing my Higher Professional Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy it has become all too apparent to me the importance of having these conversations and learning to express ourselves especially in cultures that do not always allow this. I feel passionate in my work; in creating a space for people to express themselves however they see fit.


Qualifications & Membership

Higher Professional Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy

I have completed a number of CPD courses on a range of topics such as:

  • Anger releasing

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Safeguarding

  • Post abortion

  • Unintended pregnancy

  • Overcoming self harm

  • Trauma informed practice

  • Controlling chronic anxiety

  • Working with suicide and suicidal ideation

  • Bereavment

  • Working creatively with the inner child

  • Repeating patterns in trauma

My research paper on Mutism was presented at the BACP Annual Research Conference 2019.

I am an Accredited Professional member of the National Counselling Society (PNCPS Acc).

I am committed to working under the Code of Ethics of the NCPS.